Individuals engaged in Clinical Hypnotherapy studies within a course of study approved by and meeting the criteria as set by the Executive of NZSCAH.
A Member who has completed a Course in Hypnotherapy approved by and meeting the requirements/criteria as set by the Executive of NZSCAH and who does not reside in New Zealand.
A Member who has completed a Course in Hypnotherapy as approved by and meeting the requirements/criteria as set by the Executive of NZSCAH and who resides in New Zealand.
Any person who has the Title of Full Member or Registered Member and has rendered such service to the Society or to the field of Hypnotherapy as would in the opinion of the Executive entitle him/her to the distinction of Honorary Life Membership.
A Member who has completed a course in Hypnotherapy as approved by and have fulfilled the other requirements/criteria as set by the Executive of NZSCAH related to Registered Membership and who resides and practices in New Zealand.